
Cuisine Espagnole

Spanish cuisine is really Mediterranean diet. The variety of the areas and terroirs of Spain makes it a very varied and well-known cuisine.

Spanish gastronomy has been influenced by way of its many discoveries at some stage in one of a kind conquests in Latin America, Asia, Africa: quite a number spices and new meals are reported as tomatoes, potatoes, vanilla, distinctive types of peas, chocolate ; but also with the aid of the lengthy occupations it has undergone: Phoenician, Greek, Roman and additionally Moorish, every bringing spices, meals such as almonds, oranges, lemons and methods of getting ready food. 

The top notch geographical, cultural and climatic range of the territory also leaves its imprint in the kitchen.

Each place has its specialties: for example, Spain is bordered by way of the sea, many dishes are based totally on fish and seafood, but in the mountains are made more rural dishes; this is the place his famous jamón comes from, as nicely as his chorizo. In southern Spain, for example in Andalusia, cold specialties such as gazpacho are born. All this explains the richness of this cuisine. 

The tapas are, with the paella, the most famous dishes of Spain, but the tapas are in fact typical Spanish dishes, presented in small quantities, to nibble. Thus, many restaurants offer in their menus, the formula tapa (corresponding to a small plate), media-racion (corresponding to half of a large plate) and ración (corresponding to a large plate). The paella can then, therefore, ask in tapa, or ración, that is to say in whole dish

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